Auchan takes action to change the lives of French people and proclaims it in its new brand campaign signed Serviceplan

Four months after entrusting its global communications strategy to Serviceplan Group France, retailer Auchan Retail France is back on television with a 90" testimonial film, the cornerstone of a major phygital and omnichannel campaign. This is the starting point for a major campaign lasting 125 days, like the promotional campaign of the same name: "les 125 jours Auchan".
After a long period of advertising silence, Auchan unveiled the key elements of its new brand posture in a 90-second Serviceplan spot on Sunday September 30 during prime time. The film is a veritable declaration of gratitude to the 7,3800 Auchan employees across France who "make a difference in the lives of French people". Punctuated by a succession of scenes shot in the day-to-day reality of its stores, with Auchan employees, this "truth" film highlights evidence of the commitment of Auchan Retail France, a humane and responsible economic player, to consumers. This evidence, selected from hundreds of initiatives, can be found on the website.
Fabienne Mainguy, Brand Director for Auchan Retail France, explains: "This film and all the other elements of the communication campaign reflect the social mission of Auchan Retail France. As a heritage company with a special place in the hearts of the French, we have a duty to work every day to make their lives better. It is in this spirit and with this determination that our 7,3800 employees throughout France work to provide our customers with daily proof of this commitment".
Dimitri Guerassimov and Fabien Teichner, Partners and Creative Directors of Serviceplan France, explain: "Through this film, we wanted to salute the entrepreneurial spirit of the thousands of Auchan employees who are the daily allies of French consumers. To breathe life into this narrative, we entrusted it to a director capable of capturing all the emotion that lies in the simplest moments of life, Michael Lawrence (Wanda Production) (Nespresso, Powerade, Reebook, Oakley, ...)". They add: "We were looking for a soundtrack that would build momentum throughout the film and carry the audience along. A soundtrack that was dynamic, epic and lyrical, yet little-known enough to easily become Auchan's soundtrack. The soundtrack to Les Combattants (Prologue by Hit+Run) fits perfectly with what we were looking for.
This film is the cornerstone of a communications campaign that includes three other films to be released shortly (Bio, Drive, Carte de fidélité& Waaoh). The themes of the 125 jours Auchan will be supported every week on radio, in digital and via the distribution of leaflets throughout France.