Auchan highlights its 100 responsible supply chains in a new campaign designed by Serviceplan

Just a few hours before the opening of the Salon de l'Agriculture, Auchan Retail France is launching a new TV and digital campaign highlighting its commitment to 100 responsible supply chains for "good, healthy and local" food.
Aware that 82% of French people are concerned about the provenance of the food products they consume, Auchan has for several years made a militant commitment to breeders, farmers and agricultural producers, in order to offer its customers good, safe, healthy and local products.
This new Serviceplan advertising film, "Sunday cooks", is a veritable ode to all those amateur cooks who, even though they sometimes prepare dishes of dubious taste, show great discernment in choosing products from Auchan's 100 responsible channels. This film is in keeping with the tone that is defining the Auchan brand, a tone that is at once conniving, close to people and, above all, benevolent.
The originality of this copy, directed by Fabien Teichner, lies in the truth that emanates from it, through the showcasing of everyday French cooking and "real" dishes, without artifice, prepared by culinary stylist Isabelle Stetin, who has preserved the truth and small flaws of each dish. But the film's flavor is also due to the little touches of humor distilled here and there thanks to the voice-over, but also to the direction, which gives this speech a certain modernity.
This film is further proof of Auchan's commitment to its customers. It will be broadcast on all major national channels, as well as digitally, from February 24 for a period of 3 weeks.
All Auchan responsible channels are listed on the website