Saforelle and Serviceplan launch "The Missing Page"

How can you take care of your intimacy if you don't know what it is? This is the question that the Serviceplan agency and Saforelle, a brand of products and care for women's intimate and body hygiene, wanted to answer by launching "The Missing Page" operation to mark International Women's Rights Day on March 8, 2019.
In France, only one in eight SVT* textbooks correctly depicts the female sex1. The clitoris is either absent, incorrectly illustrated or only partially illustrated. What's more, most textbooks offer no external view of the female genitalia. The question then arises: how can you take care of your intimacy if you don't know what it is?
The "Missing Page", to be inserted in SVT textbooks, provides the most accurate and complete representation of the female sex. The Missing Page complements SVT textbooks to make up for the incomplete information given in most textbooks. The Missing Page" is accompanied by a digital film in which mothers and their 16-year-old daughters take part in an educational experience: confronted with a diagram of the female sex without a caption, most of them hesitate and make mistakes, while also sharing moments of complicity.
Thanks to the film of the operation, the example of France opens the discussion on the knowledge of female intimacy in each country, especially on social networks. Saforelle thus offers all women an educational and useful initiative, reflecting its commitment to a better understanding of their intimacy.