Andros goes back to the heart of fruit with Serviceplan and Mediaplus France

Andros, the fruit expert, renews its poster campaign "at the heart of fruit" with four visuals to be deployed throughout France from June 5. The aim of this major poster campaign is to strongly reposition Andros in the No Added Sugar aisle. Based on four posters, this new Andros campaign highlights its fruit desserts "Pomme Abricot" and "Pomme Fraise", and its 100% pure juice juices "Oranges pressées" and "Ananas pressés".
If Andros puts the most generous, gourmet fruits at the heart of its poster campaign, it's because at Andros, fruit is sacred. It's only picked when it's fully ripe, when its flesh is luscious and bursting with sunshine. To capture this precise moment when the perfect fruit expresses all the strength and fullness of its flavors, the Serviceplan agency has once again called on photographer Jean-Baptiste Degez, who invites us to take another plunge into the poly-sensoriality of fruit. He even managed to reveal the natural richness and generosity of the fruit pressed by Andros, capturing all the freshness and simplicity of its emblematic bottle.
The media campaign was designed by Mediaplus, the independent media agency and member of Serviceplan France. The campaign will be deployed on classic billboards, digital displays and the Web.