HIPP entrusts its communications budget to Serviceplan Group France

HIPP Biologique, one of Europe's leading infant nutrition brands and a specialist in organic food produced exclusively under sustainable, environmentally-friendly conditions, has just awarded the communications budget for its 1st age range to the Serviceplan agency.
The first advertising campaigns will be visible on television from the 1st half of 2000, as well as in digital format. They will carry the European transversal signature "HiPP goes beyond organic", adapted to "HiPP, bien plus que du Bio".
About HiPP
HiPP has been an expert in organic infant nutrition for over 60 years. A brand of German origin, HiPP offers the best organic quality, personally guaranteed by its CEO Stephan HiPP, and designed in harmony with nature. HiPP offers its consumers
- quality control stricter than the regulations (up to 260 checks per product, from field to jar / analysis laboratory capable of detecting almost 1,200 substances in minute proportions),
- the very best in nutrition and taste (formulas modelled on breast milk for 1st and 2nd age milks, homemade taste for diversification products)
- constant concern for the environment (respect for soil fertility, animal welfare, resources, 100% climate-neutral production, 80% renewable energy, no trace of pesticide residues).
This makes "HiPP, bien plus que du bio" / "HiPP goes beyond organic".