3NEO inaugurates Plan.Net France's 8K site offering

3NEO, an international events consultancy and services company, has chosen Plan.Net France to deploy its new website : http://www.agence3neo.com.
Spécialiste de l’évènementiel depuis 2012, l’agence 3NEO et son fondateur Thierry EON ont développé une expertise forte autour de cinq piliers : la création, l’organisation d’évènements, la formation, l’animation et le Sound Expérience.
Specializing in events since 2012, the 3NEO agency and its founder Thierry EON have developed strong expertise around five pillars: creation, event organization, training, animation and Sound Experience.
With the health crisis of 2020, 3NEO has made the digitalization of its business one of its priorities in recent months. The opening of a website for the agency has enabled 3NEO to maintain privileged contact with its prospects and customers, and to continue to flourish.
The Plan.Net Rennes team offered Thierry EON the creation of his new website as part of the new HEAR package Site 8K by Plan.Net France, allowing the deployment of a complete web site while benefiting from the experience of Plan.Net France's teams, and keeping costs under control. A successful first test for the agency's new development package launched in November.