Mediaplus and Climatepartner launch the "Green GRP

From now on, Mediaplus customers in several countries around the world, including France, will be able to choose to offset the carbon footprint of their campaigns in certified climate protection projects. Initiated by Mediaplus and ClimatePartner - whose mission is to offer companies solutions for becoming climate-neutral - this approach is intended to be open to all market players: creative agencies, media agencies and advertisers.
How is Green GRP used at Mediaplus?
When building a campaign, Mediaplus offers its advertisers the opportunity to join the ClimatePartner program in three stages:
- Measuring the campaign's carbon impact using the calculator developed by ClimatePartner, based on consumption (printing, paper used, electricity, etc.), distribution and production data. This calculator is of course adapted to the local context of energy production, which may differ from one country to another.
- Financial evaluation of the campaign's carbon offset by ClimatePartner, which organizes the offset with a certified climate protection project chosen by the advertiser.
- The advertiser receives a certificate from ClimatePartner. The advertiser can then use the label "climate-neutral advertising campaign". The advertiser is also listed on as a ClimatePartner client.
The calculation model developed by Mediaplus and ClimatePartner is available to all market players. The approximate additional costs of offsetting emissions per campaign are between 0.3% and 1%.
Acting for the future also means encouraging advertisers to reduce the carbon impact of their campaigns. To this end, Mediaplus France offers advertisers the possibility of integrating this evaluation criterion into the optimization of their advertising campaigns, while respecting traditional ROI criteria. This solution will be available from early June.
This initiative in France is in line with the commitment of the Serviceplan Group, Europe's leading independent communications group of which Mediaplus is a member, which launched the "Green GRP" in Germany a month ago.
Florian Haller, CEO of the Serviceplan Group, sees Mediaplus as the initiator of a sustainable drive for the entire market: "Our ambition is to make brand advertising carbon-neutral, not only in our home country of Germany, but also in the countries where we operate. According to the German Advertising Federation (ZAW), the German advertising market represents around 25 billion euros net investment. If we manage to invest a further 1% of this money in carbon offsetting and climate protection projects, we will have made a significant contribution to climate protection. If all market players get on board, everyone will end up running only climate-neutral campaigns."
Tristan A. Foerster, CEO of ClimatePartner emphasizes: "With "Green GRP", advertisers are making a real contribution to global climate protection and helping to achieve the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for example the fight against poverty or the improvement of living conditions in emerging economies and developing countries. Companies for whom climate protection is a sincere concern will find in this initiative the logical extension of their public image".
Marion Dolbeau, Managing Director of Mediaplus France adds: "Our solution is highly operational: it integrates the entire process, from evaluation for optimization purposes - the idea being to find the best possible compromise without sacrificing media performance - right through to implementation of the offset solution via projects proposed by our partner. The whole process is managed on behalf of the advertiser, who can choose his project according to his sector of activity, his convictions, his CSR policy, etc... and of course communicate on this initiative".
As Europe's leading independent communications group, Serviceplan aims to be a forerunner in sustainable development, whether in economic, ecological or social terms. By way of example, Serviceplan Group has achieved climate neutrality by 2020. Mediaplus has also set up an interdisciplinary industry working group on sustainable media, with the aim of developing sustainable market standards and introducing sustainable media products. The Green GRP is the first tangible proof of this.