C'est autrement bon with Entremont and Serviceplan


Entremont, the second-largest self-service cheese brand and a member of Sodiaal, France's No. 1 dairy cooperative, entrusts its communications budget to Serviceplan France following a competition conducted at the end of 2021

Building on its heritage and cheese-making expertise, the Emmental brand, which has been a staple of French consumers for over 70 years, is looking to undertake a new, in-depth project to enhance its image and impact. The aim: to meet the new challenges of a market in which it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate, emerge and create consumer preference.

It is against this backdrop that ENTREMONT chose SERVICEPLAN to accompany it through this new phase and refine this new strategy, which will take the form of a global overhaul of the creative platform, while retaining the historic strengths that have built the brand; its signature "ENTREMONT, C'EST AUTREMENT BON" and its commitment to the dairy industry. 

Together, ENTREMONT and SERVICEPLAN will work to continue highlighting the brand's cheese-making expertise, enabling consumers to put taste and meaning back into their plates, every day!

For Stéphane Perrot, Managing Director of Serviceplan, this collaboration "reflects the food expertise of the agency, whose DNA is to re-enchant the territories of heritage brands by reintegrating them into the zeitgeist. A mission of trust for an iconic French cheese brand".

For Marie-Hélène Larrive, Marketing Director of Entremont, "We're counting on Serviceplan's expertise to help us put the spotlight back on the brand's strengths, and nurture our iconic slogan 'Entremont c'est Autrement Bon'.

The first communication actions have been visible since the beginning of April, starting with the release of a new TV film.

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Maurane Coudert
Serviceplan Group
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