Trends that reshape Social Media

The Rise of Broadcast-Style Social Media

A notable trend reshaping social media is the increasing popularity of vertical video content, driven largely by platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. This trend is altering the way users interact with these platforms, shifting from personal and active participation to a more passive consumption of professionally produced video content. As a result, the realm of content creation is becoming more exclusive, dominated by skilled creators, raising the entry barrier for the average user.


Prioritizing Privacy and Quality in Online Conversations

Another factor influencing the shift towards more private social media channels is the growing concern over privacy and the declining quality of public discourse. Platforms that once encouraged open dialogue are now often marred by issues like harassment and polarization. Consequently, users are increasingly turning to private forms of communication, such as direct messaging and stories, rather than traditional public posts.


The Fragmentation of Online Spaces

Keeping up with the rapid changes in the online space comes with its own set of challenges. The rise of TikTok, with its highly personalized content algorithm, has led to a decrease in universally viral content. Users are finding themselves in more personalized content bubbles. This trend is further amplified on platforms such as Discord, Reddit and Facebook Groups, which cater to specific interests and operate as semi-private community hubs, presenting challenges for brands in terms of accessibility and engagement.


Balancing Public and Private Social Media Strategies

The current social media environment is characterized by a dichotomy between public and private spheres. Public social media is increasingly focused on entertainment-driven content, such as videos and live streams, which primarily elicit reactions rather than deeper interactions. In contrast, private social media channels, including group chats and content shared among close friends, offer a more personal and intimate space for interaction. While these 'dark' social channels are experiencing a surge in user engagement, they present unique challenges for brands looking to penetrate these more private spaces.


Six Opportunities to Engage Consumers in the new Social Media Era

  1. Harness Paid Media: Use social platforms for video advertising. Create platform-specific content that captures fleeting attention spans. Leverage content from collaborations and amplify standout pieces.
  2. Collaborate with Creators: Partner with creators who have a deep understanding of their audiences and platforms. Position your brand as a facilitator of unique content and community engagement.
  3. Embrace Your Inner Creator: Develop a brand voice that's relatable, whether it's humorous, educational, or entertaining. Create content that encourages sharing on private channels, offering promotions or exclusive access.
  4. Engage in the Reaction Game: Participate in trending social conversations to boost visibility. Develop a spontaneous engagement strategy that relies on the agility and freedom of your community managers.
  5. Leverage Social Tech: Use augmented reality filters and lenses to enhance campaigns and penetrate private channels. Offer branded digital goodies that encourage user expression on popular apps, such as sounds, stickers and filters.
  6. Focus on Niche Communities: Identify and engage with digital communities that resonate with your brand's values. Tailor your approach to these niche groups to foster deeper connections and unlock access to community spaces.

In conclusion, the future of social media demands a nuanced approach. One that balances the allure of public platforms with the intimacy of private channels. Brands that adapt to this evolving landscape, respecting its intricacies and harnessing its potential, will find themselves at the forefront of the next digital revolution.

Author: Alex Turtschan, Director Innovation at Mediaplus

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