In the contemporary digital landscape, successful marketing revolves around connecting with the right individuals at the right moment and conveying a persuasive message. We provide you with technical solutions for precise ad targeting and optimized retargeting of your advertisements.

Advertising technologies are gaining more prominence as they provide the means to engage with your customers. Yet, with a multitude of vendors and options available, navigating the ever-expanding realm of digital marketing can be challenging. This is where we come into play. We assist you in choosing and integrating the most suitable advertising technologies and Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) that align with your unique media strategy.

Minimize wastage, automate purchasing processes

Our objective is to provide you with a precise focus on your target audience while minimizing unnecessary expenditures. Utilizing dynamic ads, rich media, and video streaming, we can assist you in crafting captivating online experiences that captivate your customers.


Our approach to dynamic creative optimization (DCO) enables you to automatically target your customers at the appropriate moment and on the right platform across all digital channels. With our expertise and support, you can distinguish yourself from the competition and leverage the potential of advertising technologies to propel your business to new heights.


Advertising Technologies

Adservers & DSPs

Build up a connection with your target group.

Rich Media, Video Streaming, DCO

Deliver advertising material automatically and on demand.

Targeting Solutions, Clean Rooms

Reach your target group easily without cookies.

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Greta Bottini Photo
Greta Bottini
Mediaplus Italy
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