Serviceplan wins 9 awards at Red Dot Communication Design Awards
Serviceplan wins 9 awards at Red Dot Communication Design Awards
Serviceplan and Plan.Net collect a total of 9 awards at Red Dot Communication Design Awards 2018 in Germany. The agency group was awarded with three Best of the Best Awards and six Red Dot Awards.
Munich, 16 August, 2018 — Serviceplan Group enjoyed unprecedented success at the 2018 Red Dot Communication Design Awards, winning a total of 9 awards, a significant improvement in the 2017 performance, when Serviceplan was awarded 1 Red Dot.
Serviceplan were awarded Best of the Best Awards for; Le Beck’s: The legendary beer can; and Adoptify – Tierschutzverein München . Plan.Net collected a Best of Best Award for Scars of Democracy – STROKE Art Fair.
Serviceplan won 4 Red Dot Awards for; Adoptify – Tierschutzverein München; Twelve – Serviceplan; The Rainbow Guy Debate – PENNY; and Featuring Alexa – Too Many T’s. Whilst Plan.Net were awarded 2 Red Dot Awards for Scars of Democracy – STROKE Art Fair.
The Red Dot Award: Communication Design has been awarding excellence in design and innovation since 1993.