Love Crossings
Love Crossings: House of Communication Hamburg and BILLY BOY Ensure Safer Crossings in German Cities
When two people meet each other with romance in mind, one thing should always come along: a condom from BILLY BOY. With "Love Crossings", the House of Communication Hamburg implements an original out-of-home campaign for condom brand BILLY BOY, in which the surroundings of the media space are actively and creatively connected with the brand. The campaign is launching to coincide with Valentine’s Day and is extended via BILLY BOY's social media channels.
Hamburg, 9 February 2021 — The OOH campaign "Love Crossings" draws attention to the BILLY BOY brand in a surprising way. The special highlight is the choice of media spaces in Hamburg, Berlin and Cologne. In January and February, the posters can be seen where two have always met each other: at street crossings with personal names. For example; David and Erich meet at the crossing of Davidstraße and Erichstraße in Hamburg; Anne and Heinrich at Annenstraße and Heinrich-Heine-Straße in Berlin; or Mathias and Hugo at Mathias-Brüggen-Straße and Hugo-Eckener-Straße in Cologne. The result of the OOH campaign can also be seen on the brand's social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube).
Alexander Strümann, Brand Manager BILLY BOY comments: "With 'Love Crossings', BILLY BOY ensures 'safe crossings’ and spreads the simple message: Love each other! No matter where and no matter with whom - of course in compliance with the applicable Covid-19 socially distancing rules. The idea of linking the media space with the creative idea is surprising, and strengthens our general brand awareness among the young target group, whilst at the same time providing a laugh or two among those unfamiliar with the brand."
Serviceplan Hamburg, Serviceplan Design and Mediaplus Hamburg from the House of Communication Hamburg are responsible for the integrated campaign. Sine Marie Harwits Hansen, Senior Art Director, and Melis Adigüzel, Senior Copywriter, explain: "A simple observation turned into an idea: in Germany there are thousands of street crossings named after people that have been 'meeting' for ages. We are very happy that this idea, paired with the media expertise of Mediaplus, resulted in such a fantastic implementation."
The campaign embraces Serviceplan Group’s philosophy of ÜberCreativity, which describes a higher form of creativity in which different disciplines, talents, cultures, media and technologies come together and interact.
House of Communication Hamburg
Thomas Heyen, Managing Partner Creative
Markus Kremer, Managing Partner Creative
Florian Klietz, Managing Partner Account
Sine Marie Harwits Hansen, Senior Art Director
Melis Adigüzel, Senior Copywriter
Nils-Christian Sperling, Final Art Specialist
Philipp Trübiger, Editor
Daniel Hill, Editor
Carolin Holst, General Manager Mediaplus Hamburg
Christina Lischka, Managing Partner Serviceplan Design Hamburg
Martina Kunert, Managing Partner Serviceplan Design Hamburg
Dorothee Rein, Strategist at Serviceplan Design Hamburg
Cathrin von der Heiden, Designer at Serviceplan Design Hamburg
Alexander Struemann, Brand Manager Health Care
Jannick Paulick, Trainee Marketing Health Care
Planus media GmbH
Stefanie Braun, Media Planner