RECMA Qualipack Report

Dominant and A+: Mediaplus in first place in the "RECMA Qualipack Report" with top ratings
Top marks for Mediaplus. The independent Paris-based market research institute RECMA has just published its "RECMA Qualipack Report" and once again rated the Mediaplus Group as "dominant". Mediaplus also shows itself superior in the Compitches rating. It is the only agency to receive an A+.
Munich, 17th March 2021 — Dominant and A+: with these top ratings, Mediaplus has once again catapulted to the top of the current "RECMA Qualipack Report Germany". The "Qualipack Report" assesses agencies not only according to the amount of billings managed, but above all according to qualitative aspects such as pitch activities, qualification of the employees as well as the positioning and resources of the agency and the type of clients. The independent Paris-based market research institute RECMA describes as "dominant" only those media agencies that achieve convincing performance in a total of 19 quality criteria.
Mediaplus has now received the highest rating of "dominant" for the fourth year in a row. There was also a special award in the Compitches ranking. Mediaplus is the only one of the 20 agencies in the ranking to receive the grade A+, which is only awarded in exceptional cases. A provider can score points here with numerous participations in pitches and reviews. Wins are weighted higher, with a point scale depending on the size of the budgets. The final assessment is made with A, B or C. RECMA has rated Mediaplus here with the highest rating A for four years now, and even with A+ in 2019. The compitches are included in the rating for vitality.
"Vitality" and "Structure" are the two decisive dimensions for the quality ranking. In addition to compitches, "momentum" is an important expression of vitality. Here, the development of new business, billings over three years, management continuity and award successes are taken into account. With a total of 12 points, Mediaplus holds the undisputed first place in vitality.
Mediaplus was also convincing in the category "Structure" (14 points). On the one hand, it takes into account the available resources. This includes the specialisation and number of employees as well as the national location of the agency and its diversification possibilities. Further points come from the analysis of clients - for example, how long they have been loyal to the agency and how dependent the agency is on individual clients. Together with the 12 points for vitality, the 14 points for "structure" add up to 26 points, and thus the top position in the ranking
"For four years in a row we have been awarded the highest score of 'dominant'. And now for the second time with an A+ for our measurable success in pitches and reviews. This is once again a confirmation of our excellent work and shows that our independent and integrated positioning proves its worth for clients. But the good result is above all a compliment and encouragement for our colleagues, whom I would like to thank most sincerely," says Andrea Malgara, Managing Partner of the Mediaplus Group.