New Mediaplus Board
Mediaplus Group creates Board of seven members
The Mediaplus Group is establishing a powerful new body by setting up its own Board of seven managing partners within the agency group. In future, this decision-making body will comprise Esther Busch, Barbara Evans, Oliver Hey, Andrea Malgara, Julian Simons and Dominik Terruhn. Matthias Brüll becomes Global CEO of the Mediaplus Group.
Munich, 27 January, 2021 — The agency is growing and with it the different areas of responsibility. In order to address the ever-increasing challenges posed by internationalization, data, integration and research over the next few years, the Mediaplus Group is setting up a new body. In future, the new Mediaplus Board will be responsible for the core strategy and groundbreaking decisions of the entire agency group.
Matthias Brüll will head the Board. As CEO of the Mediaplus Group, he is responsible for the overall strategic leadership of the agency group in Germany and for all the other international subsidiaries. In this role, Brüll also represents the Mediaplus Group in the holding company of the Serviceplan Group, of which he is also a member. His most important task is orchestrating and driving forward the overall growth and internationalization strategy of the Mediaplus Group and, together with the new Board, creating the structures and processes required to do this across the entire agency group.
Matthias Brüll says: “We want to become the leading independent global media agency. We aim to create a fully scalable international media business and fast, flexible processes for dealing with customers. With this new body, we are creating the basis for offering our clients an integrated, data-oriented, internationally transferrable range of services. In the appointment of these operational managing partners to the Board we remain committed to the principle of streamlined structures and the partner-managed agency. I am looking forward to taking the agency to a new level, working alongside my six colleagues”.
In addition to Matthias Brüll, the new Mediaplus Board includes six managing partners, each with a central area of responsibility (in alphabetical order):
Esther Busch is the Board member responsible for Integration. In this role, she is not only responsible for the ongoing development of Mediaplus offices outside Munich; in addition she is tasked with taking forward Mediaplus’ integration within the Houses of Communication of the entire Serviceplan Group, as well as in working relationships with clients. The processes, structures and tools of the Mediaplus agencies and companies are to be seamlessly dovetailed with those of the other agency groups in the House of Communication. Integrated client strategies will be produced by interdisciplinary teams from all agency divisions of the HOC with marketing concepts conceived from the client’s point of view and broken down into the tools, disciplines, technologies and functions required to do this.
Barbara Evans joins the Board as head of Strategy & International. As a thought leader for future user expectations, media consumption and customer journeys, she leads a seamlessly integrated and diversified team of experts with different skills. This team of experts is tasked with thinking through changing market conditions for clients in real time, and providing new solutions, concepts and inspiration. Evans’ responsibilities include securing the necessary infrastructure, investments, talents, and approaches to integration and marketing. Together with Matthias Brüll, Evans’ responsibility is to translate these services into an international context without losing sight of regionally specific conditions.
All activities relating to new business and marketing come together in the Growth & Marketing department, led by Oliver Hey. His area of responsibility includes strategic definition of and outreach to target clients across all agency sectors. Furthermore, Hey is tasked with increasing the profile of the Mediaplus brand, generating awareness of it and firmly establishing it in the minds of clients, marketers and auditors. This includes marketing all agency functions and services with all available know-how, insights, tools and methods, as well as optimizing pitch processes.
Buying & Operations is the name of the new division managed by Andrea Malgara, which now combines the processes, accounting procedures and organizational structures of Mediaplus. As the central negotiating and contact person for all media and marketing partners in operations in Germany, Malgara is responsible, among other things, for inventory purchasing. As an expert in all aspects of media, Malgara also manages the research and studies carried out by Insights, Mediaplus’ own research unit.
In this new body, Julian Simons represents Data & Activation. He is responsible for the national and international development of the group’s digital strategy. This includes offering clients strategic advice on the sensible use of data in all digitally controllable channels, establishing data-driven media products, visualizing and integrating all data sources centrally, and on this basis establishing new optimization processes in real time. Simons soll hierbei Produkte und Prozesse entwickeln, in der verschiedenste medial nutzbare Daten in Echtzeit zusammengefasst, analysiert und basierend auf den definierten KPIs (programmatisch) ausgespielt und optimiert werden können. He will also be focusing on international development.
Dominik Terruhn heads up the Planning Excellence & Digital Platforms department. The entire planning and consulting spectrum of the Mediaplus Group will be organized in the new “Excellence Centers” – expert interdisciplinary teams focused on TV/moving images, print, audio, digital media, social platforms and performance marketing. Terruhn assumes overall management of all Excellence Centers and is therefore responsible not only for the group’s strong digital media footprint, but also for the ongoing development of Mediaplus-originated planning methods such as ScreenPlanning, PagePlanning & AudioPlanning, as well as the agency’s range of services in the area of digital platforms and social media.