Innovation Day 2023

Innovation Day 2023


“EXPANDING HORIZONS”: Innovation Day embraces new concept

In its 19th edition, the Innovation Day will provide even more interactive and personal experience. With a new concept, the event will offer guests from business, communications and media visionary and inspiring talks from top-class international speakers on the Innovation Day stage. The keynotes will be complemented by new formats for interaction and networking. Topic-specific master classes led by seasoned experts will provide practical insights and encourage exchange on the megatrends in the marketing and communications industry. The program is designed to allow a completely personalised experience.

The event will take place at the House of Communication, Friedenstr. 24, 81671 Munich, Germany, on October 10, 2023, starting at 9:30 a.m. where the future of brands, communication and innovation are discussed.

The guiding theme of the Innovation Day this year is "EXPANDING HORIZONS". Given the versatile changes in business and society, it is aimed to encourage people to broaden their knowledge spectrum and their professional horizons , step out of comfort zone and consistently initiate change.

The Main Stage will host horizon-expanding perspectives, insights and visions of the future from the AI luminary, Richard Socher. His AI-based search engine not only defies Google in Silicon Valley, but also plays a key role in artificial intelligence breakthroughs. More pioneering insights into business, politics, society and culture will be shared by Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel, renowned expert on sustainability policy and transformation, and Oliver Burkeman, award-winning journalist and author of the revolutionary bestseller "4000 Weeks".  Dr. Andreas Liebl, Managing Director of appliedAI, will talk with Richard Socher and Carsten Knop, publisher of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, about the revolutionary power of generative AI and the necessary homework German/European companies and politicians will need to do.

Twelve master classes will provide insights on the latest trends in the marketing and communication industry. Artist Jonathan Meese will discuss AI and creativity, while racing driver Laura-Marie Geissler will talk about how she finances her sport with NFTs. Experts from companies like  Deutsche Bahn, SAP, Microsoft, Adobe, TikTok, Snapchat, RTL+, Republic and the Serviceplan Group will also be on hand to discuss topics such as Web3, AI and media, cultural marketing, AI, sustainability, hyperpersonalization, and performance marketing.

Innovation enthusiasts can explore the newest technologies and learn about their potential applications on a guided Innovation Tour. Among the highlights of the day is the performance by the Munich Symphonic Orchestra of a piece composed by AI.

More about the speakers on the Main Stage:

Prof. Maja Göpel
Expert for Sustainability Policy & Transformation Research Co-Founder Scientists4Future

Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel has been working as a political economist, transformation expert and sustainability scientist at the interface of science, politics and society for 25 years. Until October 2020, she advised the German government on global environmental change as Secretary General of the Scientific Advisory Council. Maja Göpel has already received numerous awards for her work.

Richard Socher
AI expert, founder and CEO of

Richard Socher is a world's leading AI researcher and a German star of the AI scene. He is widely known for his research at Princeton University, which has been cited more than 15,000 times. He introduced neural networks to language processing by inventing the most widely used word vectors, contextual vectors, and prompt engineering. In addition to working for his AI company, which competes with Google, Socher also holds the position of Associate Professor at the prestigious Stanford University’s Department of Computer Science. For his talk at the Innovation Day Socher will be joining digitally from Silicon Valley.

Oliver Burkeman
Journalist and Author

Oliver Burkeman, the author of The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking, Help! How to Become Slightly Happier and Get a Bit More Done, is also known as a celebrated columnist for the UK's Guardian newspaper. His new book, Four Thousand Weeks, is about how to make the most of our radically limited lives in a world of impossible demands. He touches on relentless distraction, as well as political madness (and "productivity techniques" that mainly make everyone feel busier).

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Birgit Koch
Birgit Koch
Serviceplan Group
Corporate Communications
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