Welcome to the future of B2E communication

Request a demo to see it in action

Our immersive corporate platform offers an engaging and efficient method for introducing your company to new employees, converting conventional onboarding processes into interactive and captivating virtual experiences, and hosting training sessions and events.

Let us give you a tour through our corporate onboarding platform and discover the opportunities for your business. 

The future of B2E communication lies within immersive experiences.

Our immersive corporate platform provides an exciting and efficient means of introducing your brand to new employees, transforming traditional onboarding into engaging interactive virtual experiences, holding training sessions and events.

We create unique worlds that are fully customizable to your brand’s CI.

Every company culture is unique, with its particular requirements and visual identity. And so should its virtual representation be. One-fits-all solutions don’t do justice when it comes to communicating an authentic message & image of your brand to new (or potential) employees. Especially with today’s war on talent. 

Increase engagement, reduce costs and your ecological footprint.

With our in-depth understanding of brand architecture and user experiences, we interpret and turn content that otherwise might have become a PowerPoint presentation into immersive and playful virtual spaces, that users are excited to explore. On any device, by means of a technical framework that allows your brand to be represented in the most premium virtual look & feel.

the überverse

The Überverse

Onboarding experience for new employees

Explore Serviceplan's 'Überverse', an innovative virtual onboarding world, immersing new hires in the company culture uniquely.