Serviceplan Group Appointed International Lead Agency of Dr. Beckmann
Serviceplan Group Appointed International Lead Agency of Dr. Beckmann
For its repositioning, the Delta Pronatura brand Dr. Beckmann has appointed Serviceplan Group agencies Serviceplan Health & Life, Serviceplan Consulting Group, Serviceplan Design Hamburg, Mediaplus, Mediascale, Plan.Net Performance and Plan.Net Pulse to provide integrated services. The seven Serviceplan agencies will act jointly as Dr. Beckmann’s international lead agency and are tasked with developing a globally uniform repositioning of the brand. The first international campaign for Dr. Beckmann has been launched and will gradually be rolled out in up to 80 countries.
Munich, 17. December 2019 — Dr. Beckmann has appointed Serviceplan Group as its international lead agency. Seven Serviceplan agencies – Serviceplan Health & Life, Serviceplan Consulting Group, Serviceplan Design Hamburg, Mediaplus, Mediascale, Plan.Net Performance and Plan.Net Pulse – will collaborate to provide an integrated range of services for the Delta Pronatura brand.
For the repositioning of Dr. Beckmann, specialist teams from the areas of campaigning (Serviceplan Health & Life), strategy (Serviceplan Consulting Group), packaging (Serviceplan Design Hamburg), media strategy and planning (Mediaplus), digital planning (Mediascale), SEA and Amazon marketing (Plan.Net Performance) and digital presence (Plan.Net Pulse) are on board. Now the first integrated campaign is being launched, which will be shown on TV, as well as in print, POS and online under the lead of the Serviceplan Group in up to 80 countries.
The new international slogan, which will be translated into the native language of each country where the campaign runs, is "Freedom to let life happen".
Marco Buschmeier, Director Global Marketing at Delta Pronatura, says: "With the help of the excellent, fully integrated work of Serviceplan, we were able to take the Dr. Beckmann brand to a whole new level. We have created a new positioning that brings the brand closer to our consumers. For the first time, we have jointly produced a global brand campaign, which we will use worldwide, on TV, in print, digitally and at the POS. For delta pronatura as a medium-sized company, this is a huge step of which we are very proud.”
“The aim of Dr. Beckmann's repositioning is to further strengthen the DNA of the brand by positioning it even closer and more emotionally in the life of the target group with a new ‘brand feeling’. We call this the ‘Dr. Beckmann feeling’. The exciting thing is that this feeling is designed to ignite or touch the same positive emotions in all countries. All of us at Serviceplan are very proud to be able to work as an international lead agency with such a renowned international brand across all disciplines," says Florian Bernsdorf, Managing Director and Partner of Serviceplan Health & Life.
"In order to identify this brand feeling, we have been closely involved with the consumers in the individual markets. For example, we spent a day with them at home in order to better understand how Dr. Beckmann products accompany their lives, and where the true added value of the brand lies for them. The great stories consumers told us were the perfect raw material for developing the new brand core," says Alessandro Panella, Managing Director of Serviceplan Consulting Group.